Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Highlight On Black Bamboo Plants In Pots

By Ruthie Calderon

It is possible to grow plants in many different places provided the conditions they require are well provided. Many people do not have gardens yet they have some trees and flowers in their premises. Some are even in a position to grow vegetables for their home use of plastic bags. There are important tips necessary for those who are thinking of planting black bamboo plants in pots.

For any plant to grow, water must be available. The black bamboo planted should be regular watered specifically when the temperatures are not too high. There are special cans that are ideal to carry out the watering. They ought to be be perforated on the base to ensure that the water force does not uproot the plant from the pot. Also, the cans should not be lifted very high above the pot when watering to avoid the pressure breaking the stems or destroying the leaves.

The stem of a young bamboo plant is very weak. Support has to be provided to it as it grows. Some pebbles may be placed on the pot to offer this support. As it grows tall, a stick may be pinned on their side and the stem made to lay on it. Some strings are used to join the string with stick to ensure that it does not end up falling or curving.

Light is of very much importance in the growth of plants. It is common to see them growing towards a source of light if the area they are placed is not well ventilated. A pot should be placed in a region where sunlight is able to get to it. Direct sunlight may be avoided when it is too hot to avoid cases where the bamboo dries up due to too much heat.

The necessary measures to protect it from being infested by pests and diseases should be carried out. This includes fumigating it with the most appropriate pesticides. The correct fertilizer should also be used to avoid any side effects. Rinsing the leaves with clean water helps in sweeping of any insects that may be on them such as spiders and aphids.

It will reach a point when the blank bamboo will grow to a size that can no longer be supported by the pot. This calls in for re-potting or replanting it on a garden. This is a tricky procedure as it is likely to dry up if care is not taken. It should be uprooted with a lump of soil to ensure that the roots are not destroyed. Watering must be carried out in their new location to ensure continuity of growth.

Weeding is carried out to remove any other plants growing alongside the bamboo. They are likely to cause competition of growth affecting the required plant to thrive well. It should be carried out immediately any weeds are seen growing.

Pruning need to be carried out also. This is the activity of removing the excess leaves or stems. The ones removed are those that seem weak and not healthy. They are removed through cutting them off. The activity should be well carried out to avoid causing some damage on the plant.

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