Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Ultimate Hispanic Experience Revealed In Mexican Food Catering

By Charles Brown

Man must eat to survive. It is a basic need. This creature that walks on its two feed is a wanderer in search of food to fill its belly. The nourishment is need by the body to keep it functioning. Primitive man ate herbs and plant as well as hunted game to fulfill the requirements to survive the harsh planet. Except for places where the weather is extreme, man is always around. New societies with a number of families as members often have special events to commemorate and this is always done with food available for all to savor. In large scale food consumption events, it is not a wild idea to engage Mexican food catering.

The need to ingest nutrients is a basic precept of human survival and another is to have protection from the elements of nature and from home invasion. In other parts of the world one can still see methods of building a dwelling handed down from generation to generation for centuries. This is evidenced in huts made of wood branches and palm fronds.

This biped creature is one busy critter. From down the dawn of civilization up to present, it is always in constant motion, moving from place to another not just in search of nourishment but also to explore. It is burdened with so much to do that its body just surrenders when no energy is left. The energy can only be replenished by eating.

Mother earth has been and still is a generous benefactor. It has supplied inhabitants with whatever the needs are. Foliage and animals of land and sea have supplied protein for the human diet since time immemorial. No one knows when this critter first learned cooking, be that as it may, cooking in the modern sense has become an art.

As people began to congregate into groups families, society was born. These groups settle in alongside rivers where the soil was fertile and cyclic flooding can be readily predicted. Primitive irrigation systems were built in the form of ditches dug around plants and vegetables. Tamed animals also took advantage of the near location of water.

Agriculture is the biggest source of food supplies in the modern era. More and more lands in being converted into agro areas as the requisite for crops increase in order to keep up with the growing world population. Cultivated land is planted mostly with cash crops like wheat, rice, and rye. Animal husbandry is also growing as new breeds are being developed.

Transactions involving the agriculture industry results in major infusion of dollars to the economy. People never stop eating. At any given time in the world, somebody is eating. Other sub industries also prosper as evidence in the hauling of goods from farm to market. Huge transports transfer the goods from source to user. Exports are sailed across oceans by big container carrier shipping.

Events of significance whether it be national, local, or individual are celebrated. The celebrations often have food as the event main course. Fiestas in Hispanic influenced communities offer the most variety of food stuffs displayed during the last day of celebration. Patrons often do the cooking but others who have no time always rely on food catering services.

The population explosion is one big cause for alarm. As each day passes a square inch of earth available for planting is gone. Timberlands have become barren and animal habitats are disappearing. Bio diversity is at a perilous juncture. Nothing lasts forever. There will come a time when people will be malnourished as earth resources dwindle.

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