Monday, August 4, 2014

A Brief Introduction To The Phenomenon That Is Pure Coconut Water

By Annabelle Holman

Young green coconuts contain a liquid that has become something of a health phenomenon over the last few years. Fueled by celebrity endorsements, pure coconut water has become one of the hottest-selling health products to hit the market. There is in fact good reason for its popularity, since it is rich in nutrients and is better than most sports drinks for human hydration.

Although it has only recently become popular in the US and Europe, it has been a cheap and popular 'fast food' drink in tropical countries for many years. Street sellers will cut open a fresh coconut for customers with a machete, then put a straw in it for them to drink on the spot. Its excellent thirst-quenching qualities make it the perfect drink for hot, humid countries.

Its popularity in the West has been driven by its unique nutritional characteristics. It is high in a range of minerals (particularly potassium) and the B-complex group of vitamins and has been shown to have a beneficial effect of blood pressure. It can also settle an upset stomach and is in high demand by dieters. This is due to it being low in fat and carbohydrates and its satiety-promoting richness and high fiber content.

It is also reported to have a number of positive effects of skin health. In Latin America it has been used externally for many years to combat oily skin, acne and blemishes. Its superb re-hydrating characteristics also restore a healthy glow to skin that has become dry or dull. In addition, the cytokinins it contains have a recognized anti-aging effect on older skin.

With regard to consuming this wonder drink, certainly the best way is from a fresh, ripe coconut. This is the ideal, but is of course an inconvenient business for people who don't live where coconuts are grown. They are certainly available, but take up a lot of space and have to be bored to get at the liquid inside them.

The most convenient way to consume for most people in the US is with store-bought products. These products can vary a lot in their quality however, and consumers need to educate themselves if they are to get the best product for their money. Some products are highly processed and have a consequent loss of nutritional value. They may also have sweeteners and preservatives and be significantly less healthy than a natural, unprocessed product.

Some are re-constituted with water from a heat-treated syrup base. Others are pasteurized at very high temperature. Needless to say, any fresh product that has been heat-treated will have lost a significant amount of its nutrients. If all you need is a quick thirst-quencher, then this kind of product will be OK. If however you want a drink that is as natural and nutritious as possible, then obviously products of this nature should be avoided.

It should also be noted that some products are made using mature coconut water. This is cheaper for the manufacturers to buy than the freshest young water. The problem with this ingredient is that it loses its natural sweetness as it matures and becomes acidic. The manufacturers then mask this acidity using sugar and/or artificial sweeteners. If you wish to avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners then again, products of this kind should be avoided.

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