Thursday, October 2, 2014

Parenting Styles -Finding The Right One For You

By Asleen Saturday

Most parents are committed to raising their children in the best possible way, but there are always issues that can leave you confused about which approach to take. When it comes to discipline, for example, is it best to be strict, permissive or somewhere in between? The following will help you decide which strategy you would like to use as you parent your children.

There are a variety of theories on parenting styles, but most experts agree that permissive parenting can make things hard on both parents and kids. Parents who fit this description tend to have kids who run rampant and mostly do as they please. While this extreme type of permissiveness isn't all that common, we've all seen examples of it in public. You might think that kids raised this way would be care free, even if others find it irritating, but this isn't usually the case. Children who are raised without limits often end up having difficulty fitting into society, as they find out that the rest of the world isn't as indulgent as their home was.

Visiting with your kids, and staying in touch, is an important part of parenting that both of you will appreciate. Kids need to learn early on that there are good and bad consequences for the choices that they make, something that you need to teach them when they are young. Children will soon learn that what they do is a privilege if you take it away, including TV time and the ability to go online. Constant enforcement of the rules that you establish is a necessity so that your kids realize you are serious. The rules that you enforce need to be done every time, and not because you feel like it or if the mood suits you. It is so important to always be consistent with the enforcement of your policies, otherwise your kids will not develop a sense of responsibility or structure in regard to the choices that they make.

To be a successful parent, you need to stop trying to organize every moment of your child's life as if their life depended on it. If you want your child to grow up, and be able to make decisions on their own, you need to let them do this early on in life. It is important to give your child a little bit of freedom, allowing them to choose the activities they want to do each day, while you supervise and make sure it runs okay.

It is also very important to let your kids get outside and do some activities that are unscripted away from their iPhone or laptop. By doing this, your kids will appreciate you later on in life as they become more mature. Your personality, and the personality of your child, will play a large role in your relationship as you both grow older. Over time, you'll notice that each of your children will require a different amount of discipline as each has an innate level of self-control. Due to the fact that every child that you have will have a different personality, each parenting skill that you try to implement will have to be modified in a variety of ways to work.

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