Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Culinary Arts: Moist Vs. Dry Heat

By Katie Onson

It's clear that there are many methods associated with the culinary arts, some of them potentially more utilized than others. However, all of them can be brought into one of two specific groups: dry and moist heat cooking. Those who have specialized in cooking, for many years, will be able to tell you all about what these methods entail. In order to better understand dry vs. moist heat cooking, here are some of the most essential components to take into account.

If you are talking about dry heat cooking alone, chances are that you are going to focus on methods like broiling and roasting. Methods like these are similar in that they are able to transfer heat to meals without having to implement any kind of moisture. In addition, the level of heat is much higher than moist heat, which we'll get into later. As a result, there is a greater level of safety that must be implemented if you want to become as learned about dry heat cooking as possible.

When it comes to moist heat cooking, you can be certain that this is drawn to certain processes along the lines of steaming and braising. While dry heat cooking does not utilize any sort of liquid, moist heat cooking does, which means that additions such as steam and stock are quite common. Along with a lower temperature, it's apparent that this could very well be a safer category for novices to get involved in. It's just a matter of understanding how to follow through with these processes.

Of course, the debate over which method is better - moist heat or dry heat - is a topic where both answers are correct. For one, everyone has their own style of cooking, so the ability for a group to stick with a particular method can be something of a challenge. It's also important to note that each of these methods are essential, since food must be prepared in certain ways. Ultimately, as far as which method is better goes, it comes down to preference.

If you want to talk about the idea of cooking methods utilizing dry and moist heat, there is plenty to go over. Those who understand the culinary arts, to the greatest of degrees, will be able to see what exactly helps these methods to stand out in the long term. I do not think that anyone can argue with the fact that the learning process can take a while. However, if you stick with this interest in the long term, your level of knowledge will be able to expand that much more.

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