Sunday, October 5, 2014

Use A Tattoo Concealer For Your Regrets

By Jocelyn Davidson

Everyone makes bad decisions when they're young. It can be that boyfriend that your parents don't approve of or it can be that hairstyle about which you'll cringe in years to come. Some decisions have more long-lasting consequences but luckily a good tattoo concealer can come to the rescue.

These days, tattoos have become so mainstream that it's almost more common to have one than not to have one. After all, you don't have to get inked in some unsavory little place anymore, with tattoo parlors now operating from suburban malls. It's not even really necessary to hide your tattoos for work because even some company CEOs are tattooed. However, that impulsive decision to get tattooed can still be one you'll regret in future.

One common regret when it comes to getting tattooed is not choosing a reputable tattooist. This can lead to getting a design that is so badly executed that your picture of your baby daughter's first smile may end up looking like a picture of a screaming demon from the pits of hell. Many people think that it's safer to go for a meaningful slogan instead but then forget to proofread it beforehand.

Amazing as it sounds, a vast number of people still haven't cottoned on to the fact that getting a lover's name tattooed anywhere on your body is a bad idea. Even the rich and famous have done this. It may seem like a wonderfully romantic gesture at the time but relationships, engagements and marriages often end and you don't want to have a constant reminder of that heartache. Besides, your new partner won't like seeing your ex's name all the time either.

Another bad tattooing decision is to get one about the hit TV series of the moment. Next year the show may not be as cool anymore and you'll like something else while your arm still says 'Gossip Girl forever'. The same goes for the names of popular bands. Even more profound symbols can be cause for regret. For instance, you may not be as enthusiastic about that crucifix on your chest anymore if you convert to Islam.

While bad tattooing decisions can be quite funny, there are cases where they end up becoming a matter of life and death. In most gangs, for instance, the members get tattoos that will identify who they're affiliated with. Even when they leave the gang, they can still be killed by the members of a rival gang if they venture into that group's territory.

If you have any reason to regret your ink, the best option is to get rid of it permanently with laser treatment. Unfortunately this can be quite expensive. A cheaper alternative is to invest in a good, heavy-duty concealer. This is also a great choice if you simply want to hide the design temporarily, for instance if you're an actor and your ink doesn't quite go with the character you're playing.

There are different places that sell concealers, such as bridal stores and tattoo parlors themselves. You can also get these products online. The most important thing to remember when opting for this solution is to choose a tone that matches the tone of your skin because if it doesn't, it will leave a tell-tale discolored area on your body.

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