Monday, March 9, 2015

Information On Growing A Better Organic Garden

By Johnathan Black

Gardening is a subject that sometimes scares people away, simply because they don't feel confident enough to create a beautiful home garden. The thing about gardening though is that if you gradually learn and apply as much knowledge as you can, your garden will grow and prosper to it's fullest potential. This article provides some insightful tips you can use.

Select plants that produce a relatively high yield. There are genetically modified plants that resist cold and/or disease. These often give higher yields due to higher survival rates.

All plants need an adequate supply of carbon dioxide in order to thrive. A higher level of CO2 will help plants grow better. The best way to get higher CO2 for your plants is to grow them in a greenhouse. Higher CO2 levels can provide optimal conditions for growing plants.

Use a mixture of vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and water to get rid of salt deposits. If you are having a problem of salt buildup on your clay pots, mix equal parts white vinegar, rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle. Spray on the deposits and they will wash away with ease. Make sure to let the pots dry thoroughly before use.

To spice up a dull garden, try using climbing plants. A climbing plant can add visual interest to a fence or tree and are a great way to hide any unattractive structures. As an added bonus, most climbing plants are very low maintenance. Kiwi vine, climbing snapdragon and morning glories are all great choices.

Weed the garden often and early. Plan on a weeding schedule for the garden at least three times. The first should be five to seven days after sowing, and again seven to ten days after that. The third time should be three to four weeks after planting, by this time the plants should be rooted well enough to add mulching and sufficient leaves to shade the surface.

Invest in a good pair of gardening gloves to protect your hands while working outdoors. Whether you are working with plants with thorns or with fertilizer, gloves can protect your skin from damage from both plants and chemicals. They also do a great job at protecting your hands from dirt or sap stains and make cleanup much easier.

Hang on these tips and continue to try your best to take in as much knowledge about gardening as you can. You never know what you might learn that could help you with your gardening, or get you over any obstacles that come your way when you're gardening. You can get started by following some of the steps you just learned today.

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