Friday, March 6, 2015

Paranormal Tourism As A Promotional Tool

By Leslie Ball

Now all over the world, people are very curious about the afterlife and the supernatural world because this is something that they cannot really explain. Now some tourism organizations or even business would actually promote ghost stories in their areas in order to get more media attention. This type of activity is known as paranormal tourism and it is actually very effective.

Now this whole promoting ghosts and legends business is actually effective simply because more and more people want to know about the supernatural forces around them. These legends about ghosts are actually just stories which makes people around curious to know whether they are real. It is for this reason that infrastructures are now often being built on so called paranormal land.

Of course there are three types of people that the businesses or organizations would want to attract by doing this type of promotion. These people are the supernatural investigators, the skeptics who do not believe in ghosts and such, and of course travelers who would want adventures. These three types of people will definitely not mind spending a night in a place that is rumored to be haunted.

First of all, there would be the investigators or the researchers because they are the ones that would actually spread the stories all over the media. They would usually make blogs or articles that would be posted in their site or social media accounts. Aside from that, they would also make videos that are placed in their Youtube accounts and spread throughout the internet.

Of course the second on the list would be the skeptics who only believe what they see. Now these people are most likely the ones who would really spend time in a haunted place because they want to prove people wrong. They would also usually come in groups in order to know whether an urban legend or a ghost legend is real.

Lastly would be the travelers who are looking for some fun and adventure. Backpackers are often quite brave when it comes to these kinds of things which means that they do not mind spending time in a haunted hotel or resort. So if one is a backpacker, he will mostly want to stop by a haunted place along the way.

So with those three people, a place can actually get good publicity by the promotion of ghost stories and urban legends. To supplement this, a lot of companies would even sell products or hold events that are related to the legend behind the place. This is done to further promote curiosity among the visitors.

Now if one is going into the tourism business, he will have to learn this. Now taking advantage of the naturally curious mind of a human is actually something that most business do. In order to gain more and more visitors, this strategy can actually be effective if it is executed well.

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