Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Reiki Craft Projects For Holistic Natural Healing

By Zora P. Hays

Achieving balance and good health, according to Usui Mikao, is the best way to support the body in achieving natural healing. This has seen the incorporation of Reiki craft projects into the practice of healing. It is a way of utilizing natural energy streams to achieve body wellness. It enhances the natural and conventional healing processes in the body.

Some of the common craft pieces to enhance the lifestyle include spirit dolls, wraps and tote bags. Glass tile jewelry, a journal cover and burning bowl craft are the other items available among the crafts. There are wall hangings of different designs as well as wall papers that come in a variety colors. Ladies have a selection of shawls, hats and earrings to enhance their beauty.

The spirit of healing is enhanced through dragon fly earrings, candles for use during the practices as well as paper ornaments. There are slippers and fairly lingerie as well as fun t-shirts which are more functional than ornamental for use during the healing exercises.

The crafts support the five principles advocated in Reiki. These principles are releasing all worry from the body, releasing all anger and expressing gratefulness in life. The other principles are devotion to your work at all times and kindness to self and all creatures you come across. The founder advocated that chanting these principles in the morning and evening will help you move towards purity of mind and body.

It is important for every individual to achieve mental, spiritual, physical and emotional balance. This is enhanced through the stipulated exercises. The exercises help to relax the body by providing a calm and peaceful atmosphere. The way to achieve this is to place the hands a few inches above the body. The relaxation can be passed on to the others.

Reiki healing is gentle, safe and non-invasive. This makes it a desirable option for many people. It offers such benefits as pain relief, relaxation, better sleep and mental clarity. It also helps in reducing stress as well as enhancing a sense of well being for an individual.

This form of healing should not substitute conventional medicine and treatment procedures. It serves as an enhancement to other forms or procedures of healing. It has gained popularity in many prestigious health institutions and organizations. Its credibility has also been boosted by approval from relevant authorities in the industry.

The practice can be learnt by anyone regardless of age. It is practiced the world over by people of different faiths and cultures. There are no side effects or scars with long term solutions to various health conditions. This is a universally accepted way of tapping into the natural energy stream to achieve and maintain good health.

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