Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Health Benefits Of Grass Fed Beef And Pork

By Debra Stevens

Leading healthy lifestyles is easy if you choose to eat natural foods. In the modern world, people are exposed to non-organic good because most farm products are full of chemicals. Animals are also fed with foods containing harmful chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics. The need to eat healthily has led to high demand for grass fed beef and pork. Below are some of the advantages of eating pasture-raised meat.

For the body to function well, the blood and heart must be well regulated. That is why health experts recommend food rich in fatty acids like omega-3. The best source of omega-3 is meat, but not all kinds of meat. Grain-fed livestock lacks fatty acids because they feed on grains which reduce the amount of fatty acids in meat. Studies show that pasture-fed livestock contains more healthy fatty acids.

Individuals should consider eating pasture fed meat because they are rich in essential fats. One of the most essential fats found in meat is conjugated linoleic acid which helps burn fat in the body. This essential fat does not help in weight loss only, it also helps fight disorders such as heart diseases and cancer. It increases metabolism and fat-muscle ratio which helps individuals lose weight and gain muscle strength.

Grain raised meat looks, tastes and smells like pasture-raised meat. However, you will detect superior flavor and yellowish color on the fat. This is due to the presence of carotenoids which give meat the yellowish color. Meats full of nutrients contains more carotenoids. Carotenoids in meat contain lutein and beta-carotene which are converted into antioxidants that fight heart disorders and cancer.

Although eating beef is common in many households, individuals are cautious of cholesterol levels. Eating too much cholesterol has negative side effects in the body. One of the main reasons people should consider eating organic meats. Grass-fed meat contains saturated fats but not those high in cholesterol. You can rest assured eating organic meats does not increase health risks due to high levels of cholesterol.

The need to protect surroundings from pollutants has led to high demand for organic meats. Animal waste has an effect on land and air. Animals which feed on grains produce harmful waste which increases carbon gases and leave a carbon footprint. Individuals are encouraged to consume organic meat because they do not contain harmful chemicals. Waste produced by pasture-fed animals is beneficial to the environment because it decomposes making land fertile. Feeding cows and pigs on pasture enhance the growth of grass.

Buying organic meat is very expensive for any individual. Individuals are forced to consume fewer amounts of meat due to high costs. Less consumption of meat is beneficial to humans and the environment. Consumers are able to control levels of cholesterol in the body and maintain appealing health. Non-organic meats are not as cheap as many people assume. The cost is high if you put into consideration the health disorders and environmental pollution experienced.

Knowing the importance of pasture-fed animals is crucial for anyone interested in consuming organic meats. To ensure you buy the right livestock product in the market, you need to read details carefully. Go through product labels to find out if the meat is obtained from pasture-raised animals. With this information in mind, it is easy to manage a healthy life.

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