Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Finding Time To Keep Your Food Fresh

By Hedrick Lepsch

Cooks and homemakers are constantly looking for new ways to keep their foods fresh and free from mold and germs. One of the newest, cutting-edge technologies in cooking is vacuum sealing foods for freshness.

It's a common misconception that the food is only bad when it looks and smells bad. The sad truth is that most of the bacteria that hurt the body don't usually change the appearance, taste, or smell of the food. Food can look perfectly normal when you eat it, and still cause problems. The best practice is to refrigerate or freeze your leftovers as soon as you're done eating. The sooner you get it in the cold, the better chance your food has of lasting. That being said, a refrigerator isn't a place to keep leftovers for days on end.

The first step in vacuum sealing your food is place the food you want to seal inside one of the vacuum sealing bags. As mentioned earlier, dry foods usually work best when first learning how to vacuum seal. Make sure that when you put the food inside the bag, you do not fill the bag all the way to the top with the food. The vacuum sealer that you purchased should have instructions on how much space to leave at the top of the bag.

Third, you can quickly make your food safe again by throwing it in the microwave. A few strains of bacteria create toxins that are resistant to high cooking temperatures. The best way to beat them is to refrigerate them within 2 hours of preparation. Your microwave can't get you out of everything.

Second, you should be sure that you know what kind of food you can keep in your food sealer bags. There are a lot of people that have a hard time understanding how they are going to be wise about looking through the different food sealer bags to find the right one for them. When you are thinking about the food that you are going to store you have to make sure that you are taking the time that you need to ensure that you are going to keep the right foods in the right bags. You may find that some food is going to keep better in a specific type of bag.

Electric vacuum sealers are on average more expensive than manual vacuum sealers. It just depends on what kind of experience you're looking for as to which kind you'll want to buy. Electric vacuum sealers are more expensive, but they on average will give your foods a longer shelf life. Electric vacuum sealers will often have a dial on the side that will indicate when you need to stop pumping the air so the bag does not implode.

One of the most important things to remember about vacuum sealing food is to try to only vacuum seal individual portions. Vacuum sealing one piece of meat or one serving of vegetables will be far more effective than trying to cram a ton of food into one bag.

Seventh, the five second rule will keep too much bacteria from getting on your food when it falls to the floor. Germs are on that piece of food the instant it touches the ground. Avoid bringing it anywhere near your mouth as it can get you sick. Wash it or throw it out, despite how unfortunate it may be to do so. Buy vacuum sealer bags to help you preserve your food. These vacuum sealer bags are affordable and extremely effective at preserving food by keeping out unwanted bacteria.

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