Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Are You Eating Enough Protein To Build Muscle?

By Arnold Sylvester

Muscular hypertrophy can be a complex, tricky affair. In fact, most guys do not know how to build muscle. Instead, they are stuck in a cycle of buying every latest sports supplement powder to hit the market and hoping for the best.

Like many other areas of life, sometimes the solution is far simpler than people expect it to be. We often search for deep, meaningful answers when the solution could be staring us in the face.

In terms of health and fitness, this mistake is made all the time.

Gaining size and strength is not rocket science or brain surgery. The principles are actually quite straightforward.
The importance of diet is just one of the five rules touched upon in the video guide on how to build muscle accompanying today's article.

Nutrition is the aspect which most men are totally overlooking in the gym. Your body can only build with the tools you give it, so lifting heavy for five days of the week will not get you the results you want unless you are also providing the food your body needs to build your muscles.

The fact is most people do not consume enough protein to build quality, lasting size to their frame. The average person, who does not train intensely, requires roughly half a gram of protein per pound of body weight.

Gaining size will require more than the recommended government guidelines, of course. Start by aiming for around 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per pound of your current weight. This will allow enough fuel to repair and grow very effectively.

The world of sports supplements also has some useful resources, too.

Many individuals purchase bodybuilding supplements, of course, but very few know what they are looking for and this often leads to supplements being tested on a trial and error, or hope for the best, scenario. While whey protein supplements can offer a simple way to boost your daily protein intake, they should never fully replace a healthy, balanced diet.

Then there is the issue of protein digestion. The body can only digest so much protein in one sitting. The latest research suggests that this figure is around 12 grams an hour. This means you'd actually get superior results by eating protein in small but frequent doses rather than one big serving. A whey protein supplement which boasts, say, 50 grams per shake would lead to a lot of waste There are things you can do to improve this if you so choose.

Supplement companies produce certain items which aid the body's digestion process, increasing the amount of digestive enzymes and helping to use our meals more effectively. An example of this is iSatori BioGro which has a goal of increasing the body's ability to absorb protein.

Whether you use supplements to boost your body's ability to handle more dietary protein, or you simply space out your intake to ensure every piece of lean protein you consume is used by your body in the muscle repair process, one thing is certain - you need more protein than you are probably eating at the moment.

If you have ever wondered how to build muscle and tried the latest celebrity workout without changing your eating routine, you will already know that results can not be achieved this way. Try increasing your daily protein and eating clean, useful food so that your body can work with you towards your goals.

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