Monday, December 30, 2013

The Health Benefits Of Essential Juice

By Harriett Crosby

Juicing is the process of making juices from various combinations of fruit and vegetables and has many health benefits. It is an excellent way to add certain nutrients to your diet that you may not usually eat. It should be a part of a healthy balanced diet and not replace ordinary meals. You can buy essential juice from a juice bar or supermarket, or you can make your own with a special juicing machine.

The juice from fruit and vegetables retains the nutrients that would otherwise be lost during the cooking process. These nutrients can help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer and inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Also, the flavanoids and anthocynanins contained in fruit and vegetables can guard against oxidative cellular damage caused by chemical and pollution exposure.

The machines used in juicing have special blades that are design to separate pulp from juice, particularly in tough fruits and vegetables that are impossible to juice in an ordinary household blender. Although many people believe that thee pulp prevents the ingestion of the nutrients in the juice, this is not true. In fact the main advantage of juicing is that many vegetable are not generally eaten raw so juicing them makes them easier and more tasty to eat.

Health juices contain a variety of vegetables and fruits, and the various combinations provides specific health benefits to the drinker. Successful juices have a combination of delicious and high nutritional content. Many people add other ingredients such as yogurt, which will create healthy smoothie. It is also great to add nuts or grains into the drink.

Some juices are a great source of energy, one example being the combination of strawberry, spinach and a dash of orange. This is not only nutritious, it also tastes great. Orange and carrot is said to be very good for the immune system and is a superb source of vitamin A and C.

The juices from blueberries and cabbages contain a good level of anthocynanins, which are vital for the prevention of many diseases. Beetroot, apple and mint juice provides an high level of antioxidants that are vital for fighting the free radicals in the body; best consumed in the morning at breakfast time.

You can do some research online for the nutrients contained in certain fruits and vegetables and with a little experimentation, create your own delicious and healthy juices. There is no shortage of combinations. Or you could add extra fruit or vegetables to an existing recipe to improve or change the taste.

So if you want to improve your health, why not get into juicing? A decent juicer is not expensive and the cost will prove beneficial in the long. When combined with a normal healthy diet and exercise, juicing have significantly improve your general health and help prevent health problems and disease in the future. There are many fantastic essential juice recipes on the internet for you to experiment with.

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