Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Benefits From Stretching And Range Of Motion

By Nick Chow

From basic gym classes in elementary school, to Crossfit classes around the world, one of the first areas focused intently is stretching. We will cover the importance of stretching, along with stretching types and the direct correlation it has with ROM (Range of Motion).

Conventional stretching has always been seen as a preventative measure against injury, however it has been seen and proven that those with a proper stretching routine will net greater muscle thickness along with improved ROM.

Use of Dynamic Stretches

This type of stretching is ideal prior to your training. The stretches are held for no longer than 10-15 seconds in order to keep the central nervous system from entering into a state of rest. This is typical in static stretches. Dynamic stretching is beneficial to the workout in that it does not have an impact on your overall strength and explosiveness. Adding smaller warm-up style exercises is also ideal to increase your heart rate. This in turn allocates more blood and oxygen to your soft muscle tissues.

Static Stretching

Done after you have finished your workout, the idea is to stretch the muscles while the body is in it's resting state. These stretches would be held between 30 seconds to 2 minutes unlike the dynamic stretches. This ultimately aids in your muscles recovery and increases your flexibility.

Rolling the Muscle

This is a relatively new concept for use in both pre and post workout. Using some form of roller on your muscles has quite a few benefits to it. Allowing the accumulation of lactic acids to be pushed or drawn away is a major benefit. This is key in getting rid of muscle soreness and increasing mobility. Rolling your muscles is also great for use while doing dynamic stretching.

Muscle growth is an additional benefit from using the above technique in stretching. The layer on top of the muscles called the fascia that stretches along with the muscle when using a roller. This additional stretching allows for better migration of the blood and oxygen to the muscles which in turn assists in optimal muscle growth and recovery.

Bottom line, whether you are looking to increase your overall range of motion, or to simply avoid injury, it is wise to make sure to include these stretching functions into your regular routine.

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