Sunday, February 16, 2014

Your Dream To Have Another Child Can Come True With Tubal Reversal

By Jeffrey Carmichael

Tubal reversal or tubal reanastomosis is the surgical procedure performed to untie, reopen or reconnect the fallopian tubes of a woman who has undergone tubal ligation or female sterilization surgery. Even though tubal ligation is meant to be a permanent birth control option, you may regret your decision and wish to bear children for various reasons including remarrying. In this case, you can undergo the ligation reversal surgery.

The odds of becoming pregnant after reversing female sterilization surgery are high. To determine if this procedure is right for you, your doctor will consider your age, the type of tubal ligation you have, the health of your reproductive system and the length of your remaining fallopian tubes. Your physician will also consider if you had surgery in the past for conditions like fibroids, endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease.

The best candidates for ligation reversal are the women who are under forty years of age, had their fallopian tubes blocked using rings or clips, underwent the procedure after childbirth and those who only had a small parts of their fallopian tubes removed. Before patients can undergo this procedure, they are required to undergo a physical exam along with their partners. This requirement ensures that only fertile couples can have their ligation surgery reversed.

Physical examinations usually include blood tests and imaging to check the functioning of ovaries. A test known as hysterosalpinogram will also be conducted to check the length of your fallopian tubes and how they are functioning. This test is carried out using X rays and a dye or saline and air along with a ultrasound. The surgeon will request for a semen analysis test from your partner to check semen quality.

The surgical procedure to reverse female sterilization can be done at an outpatient center or hospital. You will be put under general anesthesia during the procedure. The surgeon will place a laparoscope though an incision in your abdominal wall and into the pelvic area so that he or she can look at your fallopian tubes to determine if surgery is possible. If this surgery can be completed successfully, the surgeon will make a small incision close to the pubic hair line.

The small instruments, which are attached to the slender endoscope, allow surgeons to remove any clips or rings used to block the fallopian tubes. The surgeon then uses stitches to reconnect the ends of the fallopian tubes to the womb of a patient. This surgery can be completed within a time frame of between one and three hours.

Recovery time usually depends on the surgical method that a surgeon used to reverse the female sterilization procedure. You may stay in hospital for 1 to 3 days. However, if the procedure was done using microsurgical techniques, you can go home on the same day, typically within 2 to 4 hours after the procedure is completed. You can resume your normal activities within a period of about 2 weeks.

The risks associated with tubal reversal surgery are rare. They include reactions to anesthesia, infection, bleeding and damage to nearby organs. You will also have an increased risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate medical attention. For the best results, you should hire an experienced surgeon.

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