Sunday, May 12, 2013

How a Diabetic Diet Can Help You Manage Your Blood Sugar

By Wilson Resturbee

How much control they actually have over their condition, may surprise many diabetics. Following the diabetic diet is one strategy that actually takes the condition into account. People can make their condition worse by eating too much of the wrong foods. Your doctor will help you know what foods you should eat. You can still eat a wide variety of healthy and good foods with diabetes so it is not like your diet will suddenly become bland. The following tips will make it easier to start following the diabetic diet.

Awareness of what you eat is critical when you're a diabetic. You always need to be diligent about the foods you choose for both your meals and snacks. But this is really not difficult to do, and often times for most people it is just forming new habits. Make sure to have plenty of different colors on your plate. Make sure your choices are diverse and contain meats, fruits, and vegetables. You can even consult with a licensed dietitian to get individual help with the right diet for you.

Naturally, it is very important to limit your consumption of highly processed foods as they are often high in calories and contain sugars and unhealthy saturated fats. Diabetics really need to be careful to avoid gaining weight. Because white sugar is highly processed, it mostly contains empty calories. Empty calories lack nutritional value and are almost immediately converted into fat. To prevent this from happening, you must burn the calories. Read the labels on everything you buy, starting now.

It is a good idea to consider the use of artificial sweeteners when you have diabetes. You can use these substitutes without adding more carbohydrates to your diet. Using artificial sweeteners is in no way a guarantee that additional carbohydrates will be included in your meals. The habit of looking at food labels prior to preparing meals is an excellent way to keep extra carbohydrates out. Checking the glycemic index of artificial sweeteners is also a good idea. When cutting back on the carbohydrates in all of your meals, pay close attention to the gram amounts of carbohydrates per serving.

You can remain active even with diabetes. Professional athletes with this condition still perform well. Your diet will play a critical role over time. Your diet is your greatest way to maintaining a normal and active lifestyle. Watching what you eat and regular exercise will help you manage your diabetes.

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