Thursday, May 24, 2018

Economic Benefits Missouri Local Produce

By Anna Hamilton

Products produced locally in an area may include crude oil, agricultural products, and minerals such as limestone, lead coal and crushed stones. Missouri local produce contribute a significant amount to the GDP of the state. Agricultural foods produced in the area, include cabbages, carrots, chard, beetroots, watermelons, tomatoes, and cucumbers. This is brought to this market depending on the seasons of the year. The region gains a lot from these products. The importance such products from this area have been discussed in this article.

Above a hundred thousand jobs are generated along the value chain, employees work at different stages which include; harvesting, transport of product to packed houses, grading to the standards required by the market and packaging. Technology and expansion of farming areas have made it necessary to acquire skilled, knowledgeable individuals with the ability to run the day to day activities in the fields.

Farm products are the source of nutrients to the producers and other people who may not be farmers. Whatever is produced locally can be consumed locally. You can have source of proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. The output is usually maize, beans, and even potatoes though there are many other food crops grown in various areas.

Livestock are also fed from waste and rejects from the farm, pigs, for example, take the majority of the kitchen waste while cows feed on materials ejected from the packed house. Most materials rejected comes from a variety of plants; some are vegetable others are leguminous that have proteins necessary for milk products and the growth and development of an animal.

Fresh foods acts as a source of foreign revenue; most of the farm product is packaged and sold to different countries at very competitive prices. Agricultural activities has also led to the growth of agricultural processing industries. It contributes further to the expansion of roads in rural areas miles away from the sectors. The wine industry, for example, has promoted the rise of the number of farmers doing grapes farming which is the raw product for wine production.

Farming can act as a tourist attraction. In most cases, people can come and benchmark what is happening in such an area. There are some plants which grow in specific areas only hence people from other parts of the world may want to see such plants grown in that area hence benefiting the farmers. Some animals are also reared in only one region while other regions may not have such animals.

Agricultural activities had led to conservation of soil and its fertility, before intensive farming, most runoff water after heavy precipitation were left to erode the rich soil living barren material with less fertility. Farmers have currently built dams to harness run off water; this is then used for irrigating the farms during dry seasons and especially irrigating crops grown indoors.

Farming also conserves the environment. The plants and other remains usually resist the flow of water over the surface of the land hence reducing soil erosion. Plants are also the primary source of oxygen hence when you plant a large field; the air around that area will be good for breathing. Plants also consume carbon dioxide which is one of the pollutants of air.

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