Sunday, March 17, 2013

Dermatillomania: Standard Causes And Treatments

By Steve Zones

Dermatillomania, also known as PSP (Pathologic Skin Picking), CSP (Compulsive Skin Picking), Neurotic Excoriation, and psychogenic excoriation is an impulsive disorder that causes people to obsessively pick at their skin to the point that it causes damage. It has been classified as a variant of an impulse control disorder. It is unclear how many people suffer from this disorder because it is such a widely under reported disorder. Studies suggest that every one in twenty people may suffer from Dermatillomania.

The wish to pick your skin is quite similar to some people's urge to pick out their hair, also called Trichotillomania. One major sign of this disorder is the urge to pick a part of the skin where there is a perceived defect. For instance, most people will pick at their skin to be able to 'remove' a deformity and make it right. Yet another example would be the urge to pick off dead skin cells to the point of actually picking off healthy layers of skin. Whenever someone struggling with Dermatillomania participates in this behavior, they may experience increased stress levels, anxiety, and tension. Also, those who have problems with Dermatillomania might not even realize when they pick and their picking often times turns into a habit and hobby.

The most typical area that is picked is the face, but other places might include the hands, legs, fingers, lips, stomach, chest as well as other body parts. Most people struggling with this problem typically report they generally give attention to one part of their body when they pick. It's not unusual for pickers to pick the same spots for several years and have many scars in the area. These picking compulsions could become a very harmful habit over time and the emotional effects of picking are devastating.

The main theory behind the causes of skin picking is that people do it to cope with high levels of stress or arousal. Skin picking may hurt the picker emotionally, physically, and socially. There are treatments for Dermatillomania. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a route many pickers take with a good success rate. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is another option that could prove to be helpful in treating your picking compulsions. Research suggests that Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI's) may help reduce the amount of picking. These medications are more commonly known as mood stabilizers or anti-depressants.

Dermatillomania could cause harm to you physically and psychologically. It is best for you and your loved ones if you seek treatment and get over your picking compulsions. You will enjoy your life better and be free from fear and anxiety.

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