Saturday, February 21, 2015

Finding The Most Effective Probiotics For IBS

By Olivia Cross

If you have been diagnosed with IBS then you may be wondering what your options are to reduce the symptoms. Your doctor cannot offer you a cure because there is no cure. Taking probiotics for IBS has resulted in diminished symptoms for a lot of people so you should investigate which one would be best for you.

Getting a diagnosis of IBS does not really tell us what is wrong, it is more like a description of a set of symptoms. These include but are not limited to constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas headaches and cramps. Many thousands of people have now been diagnosed.

Doctors do not fully understand the causes yet but some research is starting to point to two main culprits. Food allergies or allergies seem to be playing a part so trying to cut out certain foods or taking an allergy test may improve symptoms. Also, research into gut flora is producing promising results.

This refers to the bacteria within the intestines which help to digest the food we eat. There is usually around three pounds of bacteria in the gut, this is a lot and so they must play an important role in processing food. Thanks to probiotic yogurt we have all heard of good bacteria and bad bacteria and researchers are now beginning to understand they they really do need to be in balance for optimum health.

If you decide to try probiotics then you may need to experiment with different strains of bacteria. Fortunately these are natural products and so do not have side effects and it is safe to try different ones. Make sure to take a reputable brand as not all probiotics are created equally.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome now has sub-divisions according to the most prevalent symptoms. There is IBS-D where the person has intense bouts of diarrhea and this is the main symptom. In this case the recommended probiotic is Saccharomyces Boulardii. It is prescribed in many hospitals for people who are experiencing diarrhea and has shown good results in helping with this type of IBS.

If constipation is the main problem then a combination of fiber and Bifidobacterium Lactis is a good bet. It is important to treat constipation as it is not good for long term health. If you find that your problem swings between diarhhea and constipation then try both of these probiotcs. If that does not work then try a general daily probiotic.

The best way to find the most effective probiotic is to start with these but if they do not work then try others. Science is only just beginning to understand how gut flora affects health and so the evidence is still sometimes confusing. However, they do not have known side effects so experimenting with different types and strengths is not going to make anyone more sick. There is nothing to lose and much to gain.

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