Saturday, February 21, 2015

Preventive Tips That The Arthritis Doctor Hartford Gives You To Keep Your Joints Healthy

By Olivia Cross

Joint problems have severely affected many people because of their painful nature. This disease causes so much disturbance and interruptions in your work because it prevents you from doing your daily chores. It prevents smooth movement of the joints and causes numbness in most parts of your body. It is advisable that you try to protect yourself from the disease by getting medical help and preventive advises from arthritis doctor Hartford.

You should also note that this condition can also be caused by the cold. Some of the activities that people take part in open up the doorway for the cold to seep into their joints slowly without them realizing it. They then end up with this kind of condition. Some of these activities include riding of motorbikes without warm protective gear.

According to many doctors, it is very easy to treat this condition and be safe from it completely. One of the things they advice that you do is avoid wearing high heeled shoes. Your feet should not be on your toes for a long time if you are to stay healthy. Most of the high heeled shoes interfere with the right position of the joints around your knees and ankles. This makes them hard to glide over in the right way.

Excessive body weight is a major cause of the disease. Most of the people do not understand the health hazards they expose themselves to by adding on a lot of weight. You put so much pressure on your bones as they try to support your body mass. The fluids that help your joints to glide on to each other smoothly quickly wear out especially on the knees causing the pain.

Although it is important to exercise to live a healthy life, you need to know that not all exercise is good for the health of your joints. It is important to avoid exercises that impact pressure on your joints since this makes joints to wear out or even sustain injuries. You should avoid climbing up on higher places and jump down since the impact that the jumping activity causes on your joints is destructive.

If you get injuries in any of these joint areas you need to make sure that you are treated as soon as possible. Otherwise the damage may become worse than you would have anticipated. Some of these injuries may be cuts sustain from broken glass or corroded metal. Others may be due to gunshot wounds.

Doctors recommend that you increase calcium intake in your meals to prevent the joint problem. This means that your meals should have high quantities of yogurt, cheese, milk and bone soup among other calcium sources. If you are on medication due to lactose intolerance, you can take black beans, almonds, peanuts, spinach, salmon, broccoli and sardines instead of dairy products.

Other things that you should definitely avoid are things such as tobacco. These often weaken the bone structure of the body and joints in the human body. Nicotine has very negative effects on your ligaments and tissues surrounding the knees.

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