Saturday, February 28, 2015

Fundraising Through A Golf Tournament

By Bill Poter

There are lots of fundraising techniques out there to successfully convert a golf tournament into dollars. Many direction to take and not take. Do you have what it takes to host the best golf tournament in town? Not everyone does! That is why at we will show you what steps to take, so that you too, can put on a great golf event!

Every tournament is different, yet in a sense, they are all the same. We start off by seeing whether you are holding a charity event or a corporate event. Then we go through the diagnostics and see what is possible to make with this event. After that is completed we go into the fundraising. This is the part where some people will get scarred and start to think that maybe it just is not possible. Well, we are here to tell you that it is possible. Just take the time to do it right the first time! That is with all things in life, is it not?

Lets get down to the money part of things. No golf tournament is free, let alone cheap! Things are needed up front to make it work the first time. We start off having a meeting over the phone and then in person. This will cost $150 dollars. As the meetings go on, the fees will continue. It is best if we set this agreement in place up front so that no feelings are going to be hurt at the end! Our charge is 15% of the tournament. If you would like to use some of our tools such as super tickets or auction assistance, this will be extra! But don't worry, it is all worth your while! Take it from me, a guy who does this for a living!

The engagement begins with a $150 payment to begin the diagnostic evaluation. There would normally be two (2) meetings (in person or online) with the diagnostic being conducted in meeting one (1) and solutions presented in meeting two (2). $250 is paid just prior to meeting (2). If a golf event is to be conducted the $400 paid to this point goes toward the implementation of the event with another $350 required to move forward. Once we move forward with the golf event, the fee is $1,500 (to be paid 1 week after the event) and 15% of "net" funds raised greater than $15,000 if conducting the entire tournament. If the client wants individual tools, such as; Super Tickets, Auction assistance, Live Scoring tool, the cost of tools will be separate from the conduct of the event.

Our staff can conduct your event from the very start to the clean up of the event. No job is too big or too small for Whatever it takes to get your business we will do.

We can conduct your event from beginning to end or engage in any part of your event to maximize fundraising opportunities. Regardless, we will help you raise more money and consume less time on your golf fundraising event.

Do not mess your tournament up by letting the wrong people run it. At we are the experts and you are not the experts. If you have an idea that is worth while, we may use it. But if it goes against what is on my agenda then we will not let you use it, ever! That is the reason I chose to do this for a living and you did not!

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