Sunday, January 13, 2013

Discover More About A Sleep Apnea Dental Appliance

By Charlotte McBride

Almost everyone will experience a sleepless night now and again. It could be that you are anxious and worry is keeping you awake, or you may have a physical condition or pain that makes quality sleep difficult. You will quickly return to having a restful night once the cause is eliminated. However, when it happens continuously over a period of time, it can be a sign of a serious medical problem that needs to be addressed by fitting a sleep apnea dental appliance.

Sleep apnea is a medical condition which is considered to be a serious threat to life. The individual will be totally unaware that they stops breathing for brief periods when they are asleep. These incidents happen without warning, and vary in frequency and severity. Although the individual is unlikely to feel fully refreshed when they wake, it is often not until a partner or other family member witnesses an incident that the person will visit their doctor.

There are many reasons why someone may suffer from the condition classed as obstructive apnea. The individual may have had an illness, a birth defect, or an injury which leads to the soft tissue obstructing the nasal passages when they are sleeping. This is the most common form and the sufferer often feels like they have flu or a sinus problem.

Symptoms that occur as a result of this condition are often mistaken for flu or sinusitis. Central apnea causes you to stop breathing, sometimes quite frequently during the night. It has been proven that this type of apnea is related to a lack of communication from the brain to the respiratory system, causing the system to stop.

Patients showing signs of sleeping disorders are usually referred by their doctor to a Center which specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of night-time disorders. The most common but unpopular form of treatment for the patient, is the use of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. The patient is required to wear a special mask whenever they intend to rest, to ensure that they continue to breath correctly if they fall asleep.

Dentists can provide their patients with customized oral appliances to help reduce and hopefully eliminate the effects and potential risks attached to this condition. These FDA-approved oral appliances should be worn during the night to provide support for the tongue and jaw, and to prevent the airways being blocked by soft tissue. The dentist will assess their condition, prepare a mold and recommend an appropriate product.

Individuals are instructed to use either the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or a customized dental appliance as directed every night. They will benefit from experiencing a more restful and restorative pattern. In addition their partner or room-mate may be pleasantly surprised to find that their snoring has stopped or decreased significantly.

Patients are well advised to discuss their sleep problems with their doctor. The doctor can refer them to a specialist clinic for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. When the use of a custom-made sleep apnea dental appliance is recommended, there may be various costs involved. However, the benefits for the patient far outweigh the financial costs.

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